domingo, 10 de abril de 2016


En sexto estamos dando el pasado. Como está resultando un poco duro, os traigo unas canciones para repasar.

Ya llevamos algún tiempo estudiando los verbos irregulares. 
We have been studying irregular verbs for a while.

Además hemos visto el verbo TO BE
And we also know how to use the past of TO BE.

Y ahora comenzamos la formación del pasado de los verbos regulares.
Here you have how to pronounce the regular verbs.

Aquí está la letra y el vídeo de MORTON. ¡Fijaos que algunos verbos no están en pasado!
Mr Morton is in love and his story helps us understand the past. But,watch out some of the verbs are not in the past.

This is the tale of Mr. Morton Mr. Morton is who? He is the subject of our tale and the predicate tells what Mr. Morton must do Mr. Morton walked down the street. Mr. Morton walked Mr. Morton talked to his cat. Mr. Morton talked (Hello, cat, you look good) Mr. Morton was lonely. Mr. Morton was Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence and what the predicate says, he does Mr. Morton knew just one girl. Mr. Morton knew Mr. Morton grew flowers for Pearl. Mr. Morton grew Mr. Morton was very shy. Mr. Morton was Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence and what the predicate says, he does The subject is noun. That's person, place or thing It's who or what the sentence is about and the predicate is verb. That is the action word. that gets the subject up and out Mr. Morton wrote Pearl a poem. Mr. Morton wrote Pearl replied in the afternoon. Pearl replied by a note. Mr. Morton was very nervous. Mr. Morton was Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence and what the predicate says, he does The cat stretched. The sun beat down. A neighbor chased his kid (Come hear kid ~ come on..) Each sentence is completed when you knew what the subject did Mr. Morton knocked on her door. Mr. Morton knocked Mr. Morton sat on her porch. Yes, he just sat there and rocked Mr. Morton was nervous man. when she opened up the door he ran Mr. Morton climbed up his stairs. Mr. Morton climbed Mr. Morton rhymed pretty words. Mr. Morton rhymed Mr. Morton was lonely. Mr. Morton was Until Pearl showed up with single rose. Who say women can't propose? Now Mr. Morton is happy. And Pearl and the cat are too. They're the subject of the sentence. And what the predicate says, they do

Aquí podéis aprender jugando.

And now play and learn!

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